No. 11 (2022): Turn of The Century
Current Issue
No. 11 (2022): Turn of The Century
No.11, Spring 2022
Ali Baniazizi, Boston collage
Editorial Board
Ali Banuazizi, Boston Collage
Roja Fazaeli, Trinity College Dublin
Joel Hanisek, Maynooth University
Mohammad Reza Nikfar, Institute for Social Science and Humanities, Iran Academia
Saeed Paivandi, Universiity of Lorraine
Nayereh Tohidi, California State University, Northridge
In Honor of Jamshid Behnam
Full Issue
The Fourteenth SH Century and the Challenges of Muslim Intellectuals
Abstract : 496PDF (فارسی) : 246 -
The Problematic Confrontation of "Us" with the Other: One Dream and Multiple Interpretations
Abstract : 483PDF (فارسی) : 272 -
My Encounters with the Question of Iranian Identity
Abstract : 685PDF (فارسی) : 352 -
The evolution of gender discourse in modern Iran
Abstract : 710PDF (فارسی) : 361 -
The 14th SH Century: A Century of Education, Lessons Learned, Not Learned, and Mislearned
Abstract : 562PDF (فارسی) : 313 -
Jamshid Behnam: Narrator of Loneliness, Violence, and Crises
Abstract : 515PDF (فارسی) : 224 -
COVID-19 Depressed Women’s Employment Everywhere, and More So in Iran
Abstract : 373PDF : 148