Hermeneutics and objective hermeneutics

Understanding Sacred Text Objective Hermeneutics Hermeneutics


October 22, 2021

Hermeneutics as the art of understanding has its origins in the interpretation of the sacred text. And since the basic point of reference is interpretation to the text, hermeneutics is the basic interpretation of the text (Ricoeur, 2004, 1969). Hermeneutics deals with the "true meaning" of texts. This rigid adherence to the text clearly indicates that the authors of ancient religious sacred texts (ie, very important historical objects of interpretation) are not available. They cannot be asked whether the interpretation of their texts was in accordance with their intentions (Baumann, 1978).

Such a commitment to the Bible ultimately ends with the hermeneutic concepts of Schleiermacher and Dilthey. Their attachment to comprehension was not lexical but philosophical. The difference between the natural sciences and the humanities, according to Dilthey, is that the goal of "understanding" in the humanities contrasts with research to "explain" natural phenomena.